
RIYLindsey Dolan started Recovery Infused Yoga to serve people with addictions and trauma. She donates her time to teach at Spera Recovery Center. She also teaches to traumatic brain injury clients and private sessions to people in and out of recovery.  Yoga is a tool she uses daily to enhance her sobriety and ensure her spiritual defense against alcoholism.

Recovery-Infused Yoga Community Center is a place where anyone that has experienced trauma can work through and release the past through action that supports present living. The purpose is for the Center to be open to all of those who wish to heal; Recovery-Infused Yoga believes in community that heals.

“Recovery” isn’t just treatment for one ailment. It’s a lifestyle, a change of mindset and habits that supports a healthy approach to the world and our struggles as human beings. Yoga treats the whole person, mind, body and soul, to help support recovering people on this journey.